
Never wrote for a very long time. Too much busy with all these studying stuff *sigh...do i study a lot? for sure...nope! hahah..going thru this community clinical rotation make me learn a lot of thing, even i need to face another 5 wix more...T_T When it comes to having a conversation (more to start a conversation) especially with new people or our lovely patient, lot of people like kinda having a problem...some choose to stay quite, some keep asking only, some prefer mumbling, and some talks tooooo much like 'hey i cant stop my sound system from making sound' teheehee...:) Now let us read together2 about 25 ways to improve our conversation!
- Be the first to say hello :) - jangan malu atau segan2 nk ckp hello ke, hye ke, assalamualaikum...org akan merasa dihargai sgt when ada org approach dorg dlu...cm rasa pride tinggi lah..."eh..org ni tegur aku dlu..ahaks" :p
- Make an extra effort to remember people's name, and ask a person's name if you have forgotten it - tanye dlu org2 sekeliling sape name org yg kite nk kenal tue...if we say his/her name, for sure dia akan terkejut n mcm "wah...glemer ke aku smpai die tahu nama aku" (walhal br sesaat yg lalu i tahu nama u ok)
- Be receptive to new ideas and be open to other people's opinions and feelings - when people telling u sumthing, make a comel face mcm sgt masuk ke celah2 hati apa yg dorg ckp tue, mcm pay a full attention kt ape die cte, org tu akan rs berkobau2 nk cte lg..hahaha
- Show curiosity and interest in others and get enthusiastic about their interests - buat muka cam "owwwhhh!!!! ye ker!!! xtahu pn b4 nie cmtu" Okay, sedikit menipu ekspresi evn kite sebenarnya da tahu berzaman b4 that, tp xpe...do try, its works a lot!
- Tell others about yourself, what you likes are and the important event in your life - kalau kite cte ttg life kite to others, org akan rs yg kite cm da percaya kt dorg so dat kite berkungsi dgn mereka ttg life kite..selain menarik minat mereka, sekalian kite boleh meluahkan segala kemarahan n stress juga, biaq dorg jd tukang dgr..hahaha
- Keep abreast of current event and the issues that affect all out lives - apabila org yg kite nk bersembang tu sgt lah berminat kt topik2 dunia social, setidak nya ada lah ilmu skit..xd ar nmpk bodo ngat...plg tidak, if tahu event, selebihnya goreng pendapat sendiri..:p
- Use "I" when you talk and don't use the word "you" when you really mean "I" - contohnya kalo nk p toilet better ckp "I nk g toilet jap yer" better dari "erm...you nk g toilet x?" nmpk kite cm erk...x confident ngn diri sendiri...
- Show others that you are a good listener by restarting their comment in another manner -cbe ulang blk ape yg org tu pernah ckp kt kite, mcm "ooo..sama cm yg ko cte dlu yg psl bla2" dlm hati org tu msti berbunga2..."die ingt aku cite kt die dlu" tsk3~ kesat air mata..
- Show your sense of humor when talking to others - yg nie hrs diasah lah, tgk lingkungan setempat, lawak tipe ape yg korg leh buat...kenal pasti apa yg dorg ske, how they talk, their perception n mix n match lah ngn kebolehan melawak korg :D
- Balance the giving and receiving of information - haa...ni ssh ble u r too talkative n satu lg pendiam or vice versa, sila ad give n take, agk2 da mcm xreti nk stop ckp da sejam, bg ar can org tu cte gak sblm x pasal2 dapat makan penampo die..ok!
- Show others that you are enjoying your conversations with them - senyum jer sepjg dorg crite, seperti anda sgt2 cm nk dgr dorg cte lg 7 jam..evn korg sbnrnye nk muntah, tp klo nk nguap..tgk posisi yer, jgn ar nganga dpn2, kecik ati org tue...haha
- Ask other people about their opinions - listening to others opinion bukan shj mbuka minda kita sbb kite dgr sumthnk new dr apa yg kita selalu pk kn selain itu mbuat org tu bangga juga sbb kite need their opinions utk buat keputusan..evn kdg2 korg xperlu pn, sje2 jer nk testing, ngeeee...
- Look for the positive in those you meet - evn org tu sgt lah jahat ke menjengkelkan ke, there must be positive side die, important thng is u learn not to be like that..sng kn utk positif? hehe
- Start and end your conversation with a person's name and handshake or warm greeting - Utk yg muhrim shj yah...selain utk menguatkan memori akan mengingat nama org itu, kite menunjukkan bhw kite sbrnye xnk pisah ngn die n sgt jmpe lg pasni..gitu kunun2 nye...
- Take time to be cordial with your neighbors and co workers - know before u love..hrs pndai melihat situasi lingkungan, observe dlu for a couple of time, then br lah amik action hrs baik ngn sape, hrs jauhi sape, org ni suke apa, org ni xsuke apa...u need a lot of information bout them ok~ :D
- Let others know that you want to get to know them better - tanye lah yg simple2 adik beradik berapa, mak ayah keje apa, u suke mkn apa...dlu blajar kt mne, disamping itu leh ar kite share ttg diri kite juga..biaq die xnk dgr pn..nk bgtahu jugak! haha
- Ask others about things they have told you in previous conversation - taktik ni leh wat klo org tu merajuk ke marah ke, tp bkn utk sume org yer, tnye lah.."ehs, ritu ko ckp mkn tmpt ape ek yg sdap sgt, yg ko pakai bj cantik n ad lelaki hensem ngorat ko tue...ingt x??? teringin nk g situ lah..." smbil kelip2 mata..msti die cm xmarah da...hahaha
- Listen carefully for free information - haa..ctnye die tercakap smlm die beli baju murah sale kt kedai bla2..n ad kedai mkn wat promo buy 1 meal get another 3 meal ke..kite xnk terlepas peluang2 seperti ini yer kawan2...
- be tolerant of other people's belief if they differ from yours - apabila pegangan dorg xsama ngn korg, n org nya ssh di argue, diam kn jer lah, xyah gado2..if org nye cm easy to receive new info, bwk2 lah berkungsi yer..
- Change the topic of conversation when it has run its course - agk2 da nyimpang skit, kembali lah ke pangkal jalan sebelum terjadi sesuatu yg x diingini..hehe
- Always search for another person's "hot-button" - Kenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan seseorang, esp buat korg yg nk p interview ke exam oral ke...nk ngorat ke..nk p bg ceramah ke...mende ni sgt important tau~
- Compliment others about what they are wearing, doing, or saying - ni taktik lama tp smpai skrg sgt berjaya, puji ler melambung2 org tu pnye baju ke, kulit licin ke, kasut ke..evn korg da nk muntah hijau sbb xsggup nk puji...just go for it! hahaha, *walaupun x ikhlas..sbb sume org pn kdg2 hati kata lain, mulut kata lain :p
- Encourage others to talk by sending out receptivity signals - buat muka siyes ke, mata booolat ke, angkat kening cm terkejut ke, tu signal2 penerimaan kite kt org..so, dorg pn rs cm org ni msti nk dgr ape dorg ckp kn....
- Make an effort to see and talk to people you enjoy - cr lah org yg korg rs korg akn suit utk bersembang n hvg conversation, if x, korg menjebak diri korg dlm sangkar bersama2 org yg korg cm arghh...let me out of here..kite pn xmau ini terjadi kn..:D
- When you tell a story, present the main point first and then add the supporting details afterward - yuppy, ni common lah, kite msti ckp tajuk dlu br cte isi...org xkn nk dgr kite bebel2 without knowing u nk cte pasal ape act...penting sgt ke??? haa...gitu yer :)
oke lah....da nk muntah type...happy talking! :)